How Hormones Affect Depression in Women

Both men and women first experience the power of their hormones to affect their mood during puberty. For men, hormone levels tend to balance out after puberty and stay relatively level until later in life. For women, they may continue to experience the ups and downs of hormonal mood shifts throughout their monthly menstrual cycles, […]

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What Every Coffee Addict Should Know

If you’re a devoted coffee drinker who likes to ignore the many voices who talk about the drink’s downfalls, there is new information that’ll have you raising your mug to this delicious morning staple. While it is true that coffee can cause anxiety, irritability, and interrupted sleeping patterns, recent studies have shown that it may […]

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Stay in Bikini Shape All Summer Long

The spring and summer are the top two times of the year when most of us want to stay in peak shape. From feeling confident hitting the beach in a bathing suit to baring arms in a tank top, the heat of the summer can bring out body insecurities—especially if exercise routines have become lax. […]

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Enjoy More Family Time, Working Out

Kids who are physically active tend to perform better in school and experience less stress. And when parents instill in them the importance of fitness, they then learn a healthy method of stress relief. A further bonus is when parents and kids find activities that they can enjoy together. This promotes family bonding and new […]

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Are You Magnesium Deficient?

Did you know that people with high magnesium levels are at a decreased risk for developing heart disease, stroke, and diabetes? Did you also know that people with high levels of magnesium are few and far between as more and more of the population is identified as magnesium deficient? Research has long shown that low […]

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How to Cope With Night Sweats

Many people overlook the most common causes of night sweats, like dressing too warmly at night or working out too close to bedtime. But there are also many medical-related underlying causes of night sweats as well. The most talked about is menopause, which also tends to have other symptoms, especially if a woman is over […]

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