Is Hypogonadism Ruining Your Health?

Low sex drive, trouble getting or maintaining erections, feelings of depression, trouble building muscle… Do any of these sound familiar? If so, you may want to consider getting your testosterone levels checked as you may be suffering from a condition known as hypogonadism. Like andropause, hypogonadism results in low testosterone, but it is different from […]

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Tips to Help Relieve Periodic Constipation

PMS does not mean the same thing to all women. For some, it’s an excruciating monthly ordeal while for others, they might not notice anything but a slight change in mood that is easy to brush off as soon as they realize their period is starting. For those who experience more severe symptoms, part of […]

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Winter Weight: Keep Healthy for the Holidays

The holidays can really be the most wonderful time of the year—in large part because of the rich, comforting foods that often come along with them. Unfortunately, holiday feasting also means that overeating is something you may worry about around this time of the year. Between the hors d’oeuvres, a few drinks, and the main […]

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Depression and Brain Inflammation

While depression is a commonly recognized disorder afflicting hundreds of millions of people worldwide, there is still a lot of misunderstanding and negative stigma surrounding the condition. Many people are hesitant to seek out help, living in denial that they have a problem. They fear the reaction from others that they should be able to […]

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Thyroid Symptoms and Your Diet

Hippocrates once said, “Let food by thy medicine and let medicine be thy food.” If you are living with hypothyroidism, a condition caused by an underactive thyroid, this quote may hit close to home. With more than 27 million Americans affected by thyroid disease, choosing the right foods may be the glue that holds your […]

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How to Fix Your “Man Boobs”

According to pop culture wisdom, at least according to Seinfeld, the solution for male breasts is to wear a “manzere,” or “bro,” an undergarment similar to a bra, but for men. While it makes for a comedic plot point, in real life, there are much better solutions. Unfortunately, many men resign themselves to the condition, […]

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