If you’re a devoted coffee drinker who likes to ignore the many voices who talk about the drink’s downfalls, there is new information that’ll have you raising your mug to this delicious morning staple. While it is true that coffee can cause anxiety, irritability, and interrupted sleeping patterns, recent studies have shown that it may also help lower inflammation. This effect also seems to grow with the more caffeine consumed (although caffeine is still best when consumed in moderation). Thanks to metabolites such as theophylline—found primarily in tea—and theobromine, the immune cells in the body are effectively protected from the damaging effects of inflammation. While it’s definitely not recommended that you start slamming coffee excessively, that cup of joe can make an impact on your body and health. And while there will continue to be pros and cons to drinking caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea, knowing the risks and benefits is in your best interest. Read more…