Did you know that people with high magnesium levels are at a decreased risk for developing heart disease, stroke, and diabetes? Did you also know that people with high levels of magnesium are few and far between as more and more of the population is identified as magnesium deficient? Research has long shown that low levels of magnesium are linked to heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health issues, but much of the focus has been on high cholesterol and saturated fat, so most people don’t know about the importance of keeping their magnesium intake up. Magnesium is found in many of the same foods as calcium and must be consumed together in order to lower the risk of heart disease. If your diet is mostly comprised of nutrient-dense foods, there’s a good chance that you’re doing okay, but it can still be beneficial to assess your current levels and determine if any adjustments to your diet or supplement regime need to be made. Read more…