The Benefits of Compounded Hormones Can Enhance Menopause and Andropause Treatment

Standardized pharmaceuticals transform and save lives every day. Their role is so central in our lives that it is easy to forget just how powerful these medications can be, whether they’re treating a headache, regulating mood, or destroying cancer cells. But despite the tremendous promise of standardized medications, they aren’t right for everyone, particularly when […]

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The Truth About Over-the-Counter Testosterone Treatment

“Testosterone supplements” are everywhere in today’s health market. These products claim to boost testosterone naturally to address myriad health concerns and can be easily purchased online, in specialty nutrition stores, and even at your corner pharmacy. Indeed, over-the-counter testosterone treatment has grown into a full-scale industry that attracts men of all ages. The golden question […]

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What Is the Best Treatment for Menopausal Depression?

Menopause can be a difficult time. Intrusive symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, painful sex, and sleep problems can create physical discomfort and emotional distress. Meanwhile, the transition out of your fertile years can be a time of introspection and give rise to complex feelings about your sense of self and your place in the […]

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Menopause Hormone Therapy Pros and Cons: Choosing the Right Path Forward

Nearly every woman will go through menopause. Except for women who have had their ovaries removed before puberty, it is an experience as universal to womanhood as anything. But just as each woman’s personality and experiences are unique, everyone’s journey with menopause is profoundly personal. The deeply individual nature of the menopausal transition means there […]

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What Are the Best Alternatives to Testosterone Shots?

If you struggle with the symptoms of low testosterone, hormone replacement therapy is a powerful treatment option that could change the way you experience daily life. Today, countless men can attest to the improvements in energy level, sex drive, and overall mood made possible by testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). However, even if you may be […]

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