Getting older generally isn’t easy for anyone. While wisdom is supposed to come with age, it often doesn’t outweigh the negative changes that happen on the outside and inside of the body. Facial wrinkles and gray hair can decrease confidence. Weight management may become a struggle, even if the same diet and exercise habits are followed. Erectile dysfunction may cause problems in relationships and with self-esteem. While women are usually aware of the changes to expect during menopause, especially the notorious hot flashes, men may silently struggle with symptoms that they don’t know are tied to andropause, or “male menopause.” Since hormone levels naturally decline with age, andropause is a common fact of life for most men. While some experience less noticeable changes due to a slower shift, others may have very uncomfortable symptoms that impact daily life and functioning. However, proper diagnosis and treatment can help decrease symptoms and even lower the risk of disease. Read more…