PMS does not mean the same thing to all women. For some, it’s an excruciating monthly ordeal while for others, they might not notice anything but a slight change in mood that is easy to brush off as soon as they realize their period is starting. For those who experience more severe symptoms, part of the reason that PMS is so bad is that it is relentless. PMS doesn’t just visit once a year or once a lifetime, women who experience severe PMS tend to experience it every month, month after month from the time they get their first period until menopause sets in. Mood swings, bloating, back and body aches—these and other symptoms can all accompany PMS each and every month. One of the lesser known but more uncomfortable symptoms that many women face is periodic constipation, often brought on by ovulation and the body producing more progesterone hormone, which relaxes muscles and can disrupt digestion. Fortunately, however, being aware of the causes and timing of period-related constipation can help in creating more effective solutions to prevent this uncomfortable symptom. Read more…